It was lazy Saturday morning. We had a couple of beers and delicious t-bone steak at my friends place the previous evening so I didn’t have the energy to rush somewhere in the early hours and it was also raining. But the rain stopped and I started feeling the rush that I want to go somewhere. I pulled the skis from my under bed storage, posted a quick story on the Instagram if anybody wants to join me on the sunset ski touring recreation on the Krvavec ski resort, that looked like a good option with barely enough snow. No luck with finding the company, so I decided to go on my own.
It was a little disappointing to see the mountain in the clouds while driving there. But I believed it would clear up on top. While driving up the fog was so strong that I couldn’t see more than 10 meters ahead of me. I felt sick because the eyes couldn’t focus on anything… I didn’t give up even at the parking spot about 2km away from the place I usually park – there was a sign that I shouldn’t continue. I parked my car, changed into ski touring clothes and attached the skis to my backpack. I walked the muddy road for half an hour and finally reached the slopes. And then, ladies and gentlemen, the moment happened that I believed in – the clouds got lower and clear blue skies were above me. Visibility was just amazing – everything in HD :).

It gave me energy and I skinned up quite fast to the top of the resort. But I noticed that there is not enough snow to ski down the same way I got up. The most reasonable idea was to ski down on the groomed pistes since there was enough snow. And so I did it. But before skiing, I fell in love with the views. For sure it was one of the best sunsets I had seen this year.

So what can I say? This winter will be a bit shorter for me since I will be gone for a month during the peak of it. But I will try to squeeze as many such adventures as possible because they inspire me and charge with positive energy which reflects in positive attitude.